Tragic Brain + Lioness Heart: Existential(Noir)


Making sense of the past.  Recovery-ish stuff.  Befriending life's inevitable pain.  Freedom.


About Me
I try to cherish the simplicities of nature, the creativity of philosophers, the transparency of true friendship, and the unsuspected kindness of strangers.  I love my husband's robotic predictability and our animal-farm lifestyle.  I also help run a non-profit for people with substance and behavioral addictions.  Most of my blog entries touch on my character flaws, eating disorders and relapse, mental illness, typical girl-problems, personal growth, self-acceptance, religious weirdness, and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff. 

My History
In 2006, I got help for my addiction and eventually left the evangelical church.  Although these experiences were life-saving and transforming, I began struggling with old mental and emotional wounds a few years after getting married (around 2013).  I used many resources to keep this anxious-depression at bay: talk therapy, nutrition, exercise, my 12-Step community, medication, etc.  Nonetheless, this "dark cloud" was persistent.  Fortunately, I began EMDR (trauma therapy) in 2017.  It has helped immensely.  I started this blog to help me sort out my thoughts and emotions during this treatment.