Inwardly Reorganized - A Book to Enhance Emotional Sobriety


What is Inwardly Reorganized?  Inwardly Reorganized is a supplemental workbook for addicts in recovery.  The content of this series was made possible by a handful of addicts whose lives were changed by entering various 12-Step programs.  We have histories in Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Co-Dependents Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and more.  As an effort to help each other grow, we started a small meeting and named it “Al-Anon for Addicts.”  In early 2015, this seemed to fit – we were addictive personalities reading Al-Anon literature.  Overtime, however, we discovered patterns that were common among us but not mentioned in the Al-Anon books we studied.  To enhance our recovery, we began reading books from many different authors and eventually changed our group name to Inwardly Reorganized.  Our original group has since dissolved, but the following workbook (via PDF links) has been created so others can be freely helped.

Printable PDF’s are available for the following items:

Steps 1 - 4
Introduction & Personal Stories
Readings & Questions for Steps 1 - 3
Step 4 Packet

Steps 5 - 12
Readings & Script for Steps 5 - 9
10th Step Worksheet

Articles & Exercises
Responsibility Worksheet
Detachment Article
Cycle of Insanity Worksheet
Boundaries Article
Susan’s Brain Article
Communication Article