that really happened

Craig’s Battered Woman Syndrome - Garbage Writing for No Reason

Today’s “I’m not actually going to post this on Facebook” status: When you change your tampon in your car because you are a disgusting person, but not as disgusting as the Circle K bathrooms in south Phoenix. 

My therapist gave me an assignment - it was a like a trauma history timeline thingy. And I was like “Whoa.” when I did it.

In a podcast, I learned that dogs find safety in the humans they bond to, and cats find safety in the places they bond to.  Upon hearing this, I realized I'm a cat trapped in a human body because I bond to places instead of people...and this must be why I don't like going anywhere but the coffee shop by my house even if my best friends invite me and try to bribe me with free stuff.  I think this spacial ritualism is technically called "agoraphobia," but I don't like labels.

To end today's meaningless post, does anyone think this picture is sort of strange?  I took it on the road on my way to school.  Here we have a bumper sticker that reads “in God we trust,” and the word “REPENT” in giant lettering across the back windshield.  Craig M. trusts in an authority he must also repent to if he doesn’t want to get blown into pieces, which (to me) sounds sort of like battered woman syndrome.  Oh, Craig, it’s better to put your trust in less abusive puppies.  Here Craig, have a puppy for heaven’s sake.