EMDR & Recovery

When Your Brain Thinks You Married Your Dad

My therapist gave me an assignment: I'm supposed to write about all the ways my husband and my father are similar - even if only in my imagination - so I can do EMDR on the emotional "ickiness" I feel around Husband when addressing this emotional Father-Figure work* (also known as The Black Cloud).  Poor Husband, just an innocent victim of circumstance, sexually assassinated in the land of Rachel's Trauma-Brain.

Getting the Old Anger Out - The Black Cloud of Oppression Must Die

This means the trauma is not really about my dad specifically, but the collective father-ish archetypes of my past.  It’s what I like to call: The Black Cloud.  My memories of Patriarchy-Gone-Bad mush together into a Icky Black Smoke symbolizing dominance and silencing.  It wants me to suppress myself and keep me submissive to its desires.

Sparkling Results - The Art of Pretending You Don’t Hate Yourself

Sometimes, when I feel like a black cloud of disgust, I trick myself into dressing like an adult instead of hiding in oversized sweatshirts and pants from Walmart by asking: What would someone with an overgrown self-esteem do?  This forces me to blow dry my hair, put on mascara, and floss.  Surprisingly, when I don’t dress like person experiencing homelessness, I tend to feel a little more “sparkly.”

Enjoy the Freedom of Being Totally Insignificant - My Current Conception of “God”

The Tao Te Ching - as translated by Stephen Mitchell - truly brought me home.  It gave me a foundation upon which to heal from past spiritual abuse.  When I use the term God today, I am not referring to an anthropomorphic power or personified diety.  I am referring to the egoless Life Force that glows from within each of us, but is also beyond all of us.  

Spiritual Vanity - A Guide for Seriously Uncool People

I have this automatic fantasy that tricks me into thinking I can be more pure, more clean, or more "spiritual" if I do or don't do certain things...if my body looks or doesn't look a certain way.  In these moments, it never occurs to me that I am seeking self-acceptance, a sense of Ok-ness, an inner-knowing that I'm one with the Universe.  I don't know how "personal growth" and "vainly enhancing my image" get mixed up for me.